Noor Brough insulation material a previous concrete mixing water chemically developed high resistance.
Chemically modified cement cladding (acrylic Bpolamrat) earlier confused to give an insulator to moisture and water uses in the work of waterproofing concrete surfaces and concrete buildings.
1 - easy to apply and use after the addition of water to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
2 - Noor Brough component of high quality materials.
3 - enjoy Nur Brough different ways of finishing manually or automatic spray machine by choice.
4 - Good for waterproofing work for the internal and external surfaces.
5 - impermeable to water.
6 - high cohesion strength with various construction surfaces porous and non-porous.
7 - resists impact Ez carbon dioxide and chlorides on concrete surfaces.
8 - one of the components of the system to isolate humid places and that is given to ensure complete waterproofing.
9 - Noor Brough resist water pressure positive and negative.
Technical Specifications
Product Noor Brough
Color Gray & White
One composite components (powder)
Indicative consumption rate of about 2.5 - 3 kg / m 2 (two layers)
Runtime 40 minutes at 23 5
Surface processing
Surfaces must be required to isolate good and strong and healthy as it should be clean and free of any dust or mortar or weak or broken parts. You must remove any surface paint, grease, oil and concrete surfaces treated materials (instead of spraying water) and oils wrenches and any other exotic materials may affect the cohesion. Shall be equipped with concrete surfaces required isolated mechanically using Alrmalh or using abrasive water under high pressure or بالتجليخ as is fixed nesting and التسويس and cracks surface by cutting and removing portions weak then restoration using mortar restoration cement suitable for places intersection walls and floors it is advisable to carve a place intersection sector 20 * 20 mm restoration is then re-rotated with Wazzrh radius of 40 mm using suitable cement mortar
How to use
- Insert the contents Alchukarh gradually to the bowl containing the amount of water / liquid specific mixing with continuous stirring, either manually using Barwa / help CONTROL or mechanically using Drill slow Sticky its feather flipping or mixer bee even access to the strength homogeneous free from any amounts mixed
- Shall be an individual light Brough on surfaces saturated with water, but free of any excess water may be present on the surface
- Is an individual first layer of light Brough on surfaces that have already been processed and the rate of consumption of at least 1.5 kg / m 2, taking into account that the regular distribution of matter in one direction.
- In the case of dry mixture Nour began Brough, it is recommended to re-wetting the surface again what not to add any more water to the mixture
- Leave the first layer next day to dry before starting the individual second layer
- After drying the first layer is moistened by a wet sponge or spray a light water to be second-class individual.
- The second layer is an individual in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the first class at a consumption rate of at least 1.25 kg / m 2
- If you want to install ceramic tiles over light brough it is recommended to use the New Tilkks in installing ceramic